What we do ...
We create tools that transform , grow and make educational institutions better using the best and latest technologies.
because better education systems equals better societies. with our passion for technology we seek to create and build education software for a better tomorrow.
Partners, who?
Joining hands with the great teachers enables us to create the best tools for them to transform nubile minds for the better. we pride ourselves in partnering our clients in fulfilling their vision which in turn brings our dreams to reality.
What is Somesha?
Such a simple question to ask. So many appropriate answers. Answers that everyone gives. The right answers. The expected answers. Such a complex question when you look behind the scenes. Behind the words, the lines and the s p a c e s between them. Behind the image, and the first impression, and the second or the third. Somesha is not its promises. It’s not its location or its testimonials.
It’s people staying late. It’s the light in their eyes as they wipe their forehead. It’s the pat on the shoulder and the look they give each other when they offer their support to each other.
It’s the takeaway during the break that brings them together, and their smile when they are asked how many hours they slept the previous night. It’s their dreams and hopes that each of them has buried deep inside and put aside every morning when they come back.
It’s the mentors that inspire them every day by sharing their experience, and the look of pride on everyone’s face when they accomplish things together.
So when you ask what is Somesha the answer is –
Somesha is not a what. It’s a WHO.
What do we want to be remembered for?
for the innovative technologies that enhanced educational curriculla and developed sound minds for great communities and societies.
There is always time to talk call us at +263 8677 169 087